Course Syllabus


English 1 Honors Course Syllabus                                                                        Instructor: Ms. Marisa Ramos

Course Blog:                                                         Email:

Classroom: C-4                                                                                                         Phone: (805) 688 - 6487 ext. 2339


Course Description:

English 1 Honors is a demanding course which is designed to improve students’ critical thinking, reading, and writing skills, and to allow students to practice verbal and written articulation. This advanced course will require students to study varied styles of texts, including novels, short stories, poetry, plays, visual media, and auditory media.


Students will be pushed to articulate their ideas about these diverse texts in varied ways. This honors course is enhanced with opportunities for more critical analysis, and will encourage students to broaden their comforts with communication tools.


Course Goals

  • Every student will cultivate their critical thinking practice through a critical writing practice. Students will be writing often, because they will be thinking often. These two operations are very intertwined, and students will practice a variety of writing styles in order to practice a variety of thinking styles.
  • Every student will find growth in their literacy skills, and become more adept in the art of communication.
  • Every student will deepen their knowledge of literature, and be able to enter into ongoing conversations about historically monumental texts.


Required Materials

The following materials are expected to be with students every day:

  • A binder with a section dedicated to English for notes and handouts.
  • Writer’s Notebook (more information on next page)
  • A spiral notebook (college ruled) for homework and reading notes
  • Blue or black pens (no colored ink please) and/or pencils
  • College-ruled, loose leaf paper
  • Current course text


Writer’s Notebook

Every week, students will be required to write journal entries in their writer’s notebooks. This notebook will be an ongoing homework assignment for the entire year. The Notebook is a physical, spiral bound notebook that will be provided by Ms. Ramos. Journal entries will relate to the class reading, often challenging students to make external connections between literature and real life. Students will have many opportunities to be creative, as they will practice a variety of entry styles.

This Notebook will be collected bi-weekly.

*A Notebook will be provided for you, or you can provide your own.


Outside Reading


During 3rd & 4th quarter all students are required to select an outside reading book. Outside reading serves to increase your reading fluency and comprehension, and helps you develop an advanced vocabulary.

For questions about class scheduling and for further information, please visit the course page on Canvas, the course blog, or contact Ms. Ramos directly.



Course/Assignment Overview


Quarter 1

Quarter 2

Quarter 3

Quarter 4


Fahrenheit 451

The Once and Future King

Lord of the Flies

The Odyssey

Oedipus Rex

Uncle Tom’s Cabin

Romeo & Juliet

Julius Caesar


In-Class Academic Essay

In-Class Academic Essay

Mythology Research Report

Personal Narrative

Expository Essay

Argumentative Essay

In-Class Essay



Romeo on Trial

Outside Reading Book Panel

Parody of “Friends, Romans, Countrymen”

Digital Skills


Music Video

Additional Projects

Elements of plot structure

Script/storyboard for infomercial

Sonnet/Illuminated manuscript project

Outside Reading






For a downloadable copy of this syllabus -- HonorsSyllabus.pdf

Course Summary:

Date Details Due